Wanna Find Some Great Blogs?

This is the obligatory button swap page. Fair warning if you want to swap with me…I’m awful at updating this page.

Also, I may remove a blog if no new posts have been published in the past year.

our button
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is build-a-bears-furever.png
http://buildabearsfurever.wordpress.com, my other blog

76 thoughts on “Wanna Find Some Great Blogs?

  1. Hello, Diamond! Could you put my button up again on both of your blogs? I while back I accidently removed it from my page and I think it caused it to be removed form everyone’s blogs I’ve swapped with.🤦‍♀️

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    1. I don’t feel comfortable swapping with you right now. It’s just that you’ve had some copyright issues in the past, and I wouldn’t put a button on my page that leads to a blog that does sketchy things. I hope you can learn how to not violate copyright in the future, and if that happens, I’ll gladly swap with you.


  2. Hi Diamond! Sorry for the second update in a week. Happy Easter! I changed the design of my blog button, will you please update it? Sorry for the update again this week.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Diamond! Ummm… how do you do a button swap? 😂 I’ve seen them everywhere, and I’m interested. I know the basic idea (you ask someone else, you put each other’s buttons on their blogs) but how do you get each other’s buttons? Do you just go to the “blog buttons” page on the website and save the image? Sorry if that’s confusing lol.

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