Book Haul (feat. books purchased at the beach)

Hello friends!

I recently went to the beach, and apparently, when I go to the beach I go shopping. And when I go shopping, I go book shopping. I might’ve gone a little crazy. I feel like I bought more books while I was at the beach than I have all year thus far, so I thought…why not share a beach book haul with you all? I’m sure y’all will like seeing these books, so here we go!


The first bookstore I went to was Books-a-Million. I’ve been collecting these myth/ghost stories books. When I saw these three were $5, I picked them up. I got Victorian Ghost Stories, Scottish Ghost Stories, and African Myths. I’m glad I have these for my shelf now.


Then, I went to a different Books-a-Million (Why does the beach get two Books-a-Millions and I get none? Should I take that as a sign to move to the beach?).

I was itching to buy a YA book at this point, and when I saw these 3 for $4 each, I decided to pick them all up. I got Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein, Save The Date by Morgan Matson, and Snow Like Ashes by Sara Raasch. These all look quite interesting, and I can’t wait to read them.


We went by Ollie’s, and I saw this Little Women collection. I’ve been wanting to have a matching set of Little Women books, so I picked this one up. It was a really good price and I’m happy to have it.


Finally, I went to a cute little used bookshop at the beach. I donated a book I didn’t want anymore and picked up On the Fence by Kasie West and Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen. And, because I donated a book, I got a discount. I’m pretty happy with that…


So, those are all the books I got while at the beach! We’ll see when I get around to reading them…hopefully it will be somewhat soon! Either way, I’m happy to have these books on my shelves.

Before I conclude this book haul, let me quickly mention a book that’s releasing soon!

The DOSA Files

The DOSA Files is an anthology featuring stories from 10 authors. It’s full of superhero stories, which y’all know I love. It sounds really good…check out the blurb below!





10 Authors, 10 Stories, Endless Ways to Save the Day!

The Award-Winning Supervillain Rehabilitation Project series expands with this new ten-story anthology of exciting superhero (and villain!) tales.

Enter a world of superpowered heroes… and villains. Of epic adventure and hope. 

In this collection you’ll find tales of humor, action, and suspense. Meet brave heroes, quippy villains, and desperate vigilantes. 

All featured stories are PG or lower, making this a great read for all ages, but especially for fans of superhero fiction, heartfelt moments, and snarky humor. 

Featuring New Superhero Stories from Award Winning authors as well as exciting new voices in the genre. 

Are you ready to save the day?

The DOSA Files springs into action on June 27th, 2024!

That book sounds great, doesn’t it? I can’t wait to read it, along with the other books featured in this book haul.

Have you read any of these books? What was the last book you bought?

6 thoughts on “Book Haul (feat. books purchased at the beach)

  1. So many cool books! Did you go to the Mississippi-Alabama coast? I saw a lot of Books-A-Million while I was there (and on a family trip in Nashville, we were five mns away from one, but I didn’t have time to shop). Wait, you don’t have a Books-A-Million? Girl, that is so sad! I hope you get one someday! 😀

    ~Cate VanNostrand Website

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I actually didn’t – I went to the East Coast. There’s a lot of Books-A-Millions by beaches I guess! (and boo, there should always be time to stop at a bookstore!😂)
      Yeah, we had one, but it closed! There’s a lot of great used bookstores where I live though, so my wallet loves that.
      Nice to meet you, Cate!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh cool! Yeah, I guess! (I know, right? Hopefully I’ll have some time when I go back to the Pacific Coast this summer!)

        Aw, that’s so sad! XP Yes, used bookstores are amazing! My library also has a bookstore, and they mark down their books a LOT; I got The two Towers and Return of the King for $2 there.

        So nice to meet you too!

        Liked by 1 person

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