Bookish This or That? ~ with Breanna @ A Christian Kid’s Journal

Hello friends!

Today I have a collab for you all!

A while ago…like, over the summer, Breanna of A Christian Kid’s Journal reached out to me and asked if I wanted to collaborate with her. I was excited about the idea, but I was about to take a hiatus, so I asked if we could do our collab sometime in the fall. Breanna graciously agreed, and here we are!

Breanna came up with the idea for this post and I thought it was brilliant. We’re doing a bookish this-or-that! I hope you guys enjoy it.

Now, if you aren’t following Breanna’s blog (in that case, what are you doing? go follow.), she’s a really cool blogger. Her sense of humor is always fun and she’s relatable too. She talks about writing and books, movies and more. Basically, if you’re following me and you like most of my content, you’ll probably like a lot of her content too. Because I also post about books and writing and movies.

Anyway, go follow her…

*waits for you to follow*

Oh good! Now that you’ve followed Breanna’s blog, you can read this post!

Narrower or broader books?

Oof, well that is a tough question. Because a narrow book is usually shorter and I do like short books. But then again, sometimes a good broad book is fun to read…

I think I’ll pick narrower. The more narrow books I have on my shelves, the more books I can fit on my shelves.

Smaller or larger print?

Larger. I don’t like font that’s too big and makes me feel like I’m losing my eyesight, but font that’s too tiny is also annoying. Besides, a larger print book means I can read more pages more quickly.

Illustrations or fancy page embellishments?

Hmm, well I do like both. But I think I’ll ultimately go with illustrations.

Pretty covers or pretty chapter openers?

As much as a pretty chapter opener is appealing, if a book doesn’t have a pretty cover, I may never pick it up. (it’s sort of shallow, but I do judge a book by its cover. All the time.) So a pretty cover, so I’ll actually give the book a chance.

A narrator with a sense of humor or a hilarious character you can’t get enough of?

Ooh, this one is tough. Fun narrators are always a bonus, but I think I’d have to pick a hilarious character that I can’t get enough of!

eBooks or audiobooks?

Both have their benefits, but I definitely prefer audiobooks! They’re just so convenient!

A pretty cover but boring story, or an ugly cover and amazing story?

I mean, I did mention earlier that I might not pick up a book unless it’s got a pretty cover, but if it’s a pretty cover and boring story? That’s sad. I think I’d rather go with the latter.

Paperback or hardcover?

I love a good paperback!

Would you rather read your least favorite trope done well or your favorite trope done poorly?

Least favorite trope done well. Please don’t ruin my found family.

Would you rather have a TV show adaptation or a movie adaptation?

Ooh, honestly that’s hard. I feel like it would vary based on whatever book is being adapted.

A TV show means that there is more content and more scenes from a book…but it also means that I’d have to wait in between episodes.

A movie is good because I can go to the theater and it’s usually a bit more of a cultural moment…

I think I’ll go with a movie adaptation? But ultimately I just want a good adaptation.

Alright, I hope you liked seeing my answers to those questions! Don’t forget to check out Breanna’s half of the collab and I will see you next Tuesday!

13 thoughts on “Bookish This or That? ~ with Breanna @ A Christian Kid’s Journal

  1. What? Our answers are nearly identical?! If that isn’t great taste in action, great taste doesn’t exist. 😉 I was smiling like a fool during the whole “go follow Breanna,” “she’s an amazing blogger” segment. YOU’RE TOO KIND, DIAMOND. (This isn’t helping my ego. 😂) It was so fun collating with you!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know! You do have impeccable taste…
      Aww, thank you! I was smiling during your whole spiel too, so I guess we’re even. ☺️
      Collaborating with you has been so great! I hope we can do it again sometime!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, this was fun! I think you’d have to be insane to pick a pretty cover and a boring story. You can always DIY a new cover, but DIYing a new story is a sight harder to do. I feel you on the good adaptation comment. . .sometimes it feels like nobody making film adaptations has actually read the original subject matter.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks! Yeah, I agree. I hadn’t thought of DIYing a new cover, but that is a good idea!
      Yeah…I understand that a movie/TV adaptation will look different than the book simply because the medium is different…but it should stay true to the source!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You can make them pretty simply with paper bags, or get fancy, or just cover the whole thing in duct tape and call it a day. I wouldn’t do that last one, though.
        Oh, definitely. What works in a book doesn’t always work in a movie, but that’s no reason to change the thing right down to its foundations.

        Liked by 2 people

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