Summer TBR 2024

Hello friends!

I always enjoy making my summer TBR post every year. There’s something about summer that gets me excited to read. I think summer is the best time of year for reading. So, pretty much every year now, I make a summer TBR. Now, I’m not committing to read every book on this list, and I’m certainly not limiting myself to just the books on this list. My summer TBR is just a list of books I’d like to read this summer. I do want to read a large number of books on this list though!

I’ve organized these books into genres, and I’ll speak briefly about the books I’m most excited to read. Most of these are books from my physical TBR, but I also have some rereads and library books. Let’s take a look at the books I’ve compiled!


  • Places We’ve Never Been by Kasie West
  • Spells for Lost Things by Jenna Evans Welch
  • The Lonely Heart of Maybelle Lane by Kate O’Shaughnessy

Summer is the perfect time to read contemporary novels. Most of them take place in the summer, but even ones that don’t are great reads for this time of year. I’m especially excited to get to Places We’ve Never Been because it seems so fun! I’ve read a couple Kasie West books and they haven’t let me down yet. I’d love to read it on a road trip if I go anywhere this summer. The other two books are books from my TBR that seem interesting.

Historical Fiction

  • The Silence of the Bones by June Hur
  • Words on Fire by Jennifer A. Nielsen

Both of the historical fiction books I added to this list seem great. I can’t wait to read these! I’d like to read more historical fiction than just these two books, but I only added these two to my TBR.


  • Poirot Investigates by Agatha Christie
  • Uncommon Criminals by Ally Carter
  • Perfect Scoundrels by Ally Carter

Not only do I want to finish Ally Carter’s Heist Society series, but I’d also love to read an Agatha Christie novel! Poirot Investigates is the next book in the Poirot series and also on my 12 books to read in 2024 list.


  • The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain
  • Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
  • Betsy and the Great World by Maud Hart Lovelace
  • Betsy’s Wedding by Maud Hart Lovelace

I’ve never read Pride and Prejudice…and obviously I need to fix that. The other classics seem cool too. I’m excited to finish the Betsy-Tacy series.


  • Brightly Burning by Alexa Donne

I’ve heard it’s like Jane Eyre in space…what more do I need?


  • To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo
  • Wundersmith by Jessica Townsend
  • Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson
  • Kingdom Keepers: Power Play by Ridley Pearson
  • Kingdom Keepers: Shell Game by Ridley Pearson
  • Reckless by Lauren Roberts
  • Voice of Command by Melanie Cellier
  • Voice of Dominion by Melanie Cellier
  • Voice of Life by Melanie Cellier
  • Power of Pen and Voice by Melanie Cellier
  • Crown of Secrets by Melanie Cellier
  • Crown of Danger by Melanie Cellier
  • To Ride With the Wind by Melanie Cellier

I’m honestly so excited about each book on this list! Reckless is probably my most anticipated release of the year, as I loved Powerless and Powerful. I’m rereading Melanie Cellier’s Spoken Mage series and I’m also excited for her summer release. I’d also like to make more progress in the Kingdom Keepers series. Dance of Thieves is another book on my 12 books to read in 2024 list and I’ve heard great things about it, so I’m super excited to get to it!


  • Crucial Conversations by a bunch of authors…
  • Save the Cat Writes a YA Novel by Jessica Brody

My dad wants me to read Crucial Conversations, so hopefully I’ll get to it this summer. I’m also really excited to Save the Cat and hopefully plot out a new novel!

And those are the books I’m hoping to get to this summer! Have you read any of these books? What are some books you’re hoping to read this summer? I’d love to chat about books in the comments.

6 thoughts on “Summer TBR 2024

  1. Reesa LOVES Places We’ve Never Been. I’ve never read it, but I hope you enjoy it!

    ugh I’m so excited for Reckless toooo…you got me totally hooked on Powerless! I’m also looking forward to Nothing Like the Movies, though I don’t remember when it releases. Sounds like a fun TBR!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That makes me even more excited to read it!

      Yay! I’m so glad you liked Powerless! Have you read Powerful yet? And yesss, Nothing Like the Movies is so exciting too! I just checked, and it looks like it releases October 1st, so unfortunately we have a while to wait. I’ll probably re-read BTTM movies first to tide me over.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ooo all these books look EPIC!!! (This post is reminding me how badly I need to read Powerless! It’s all I’ve been hearing people talk about lately.) I definitely hope to read another Kaise West book this year too!! Have you ever read Sunkissed by her? It’s probably my favorite of her books that I’ve read. (But then again, I’ve only read two Kasie West novels so… I’m probably not a good judge. XD) I’m SO excited for you to read Pride and Prejudice, Words on Fire, and finish the Heist Society series! I FINALLY got my hands on the third book so I’m hoping to finally finish the series this year!! And I just started Save the Cat Writes a YA Novel and so far it’s been great! I’m definitely going to be looking into these other books that I haven’t heard of!! Here’s to hoping for a great summer reading months!! (Also, I LOVE the idea of this post… do you mind if I do something similar on my own blog???)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I certainly hope they all are, xD! (girl, yes! I’m so obsessed with Powerless and I feel like you’d like it!)
      Ooh, I haven’t read Sunkissed but it’s definitely on my radar. I recently read On the Fence by her and it was pretty cute. Which other book have you read? I’m curious.
      Ahh, yes! I have such high hopes for all of those books. I hope they live up to my expectations…
      And oooh, you haven’t finished the Heist Society books yet? We should buddy-read the last one! And yay! I’m glad to hear you’re liking Save the Cat.
      Ooh, I’d love to see a post like this on your blog! Feel free to make one!


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