Summer Bucket List Revisited

Heyyyyya diamonds!

Summer is basically over…which means it’s time to revisit my bucket list. I don’t exactly think I did very well, but I’ll try to make this entertaining.

I think I looked over this list maybe once? But I really don’t know what’s on it. I feel like I only got like, 1-2 things done. Anyway, let’s react!

Item 1: Go to the Beach


I did not go to the beach. BUT, I will be going in tht fall! So, I will? That’s why I get a half check.

Since I’ve never really been, I’m going to need you guys to comment your best beach tips. I’ll need all the help I can get.

Item 2: Read


I kinda did? I definitely didn’t read as much as I wanted to. Again, my goal is 100 books, and I’m really behind. But, at least I really enjoyed the books that I did read. I think I read about 15 books over the past three months…so definitely not as many as I wanted.

Item 3: Read for 24 hours


Okay, so one day I went on a car trip. It was a 12 hour car trip, so I thought…perfect timing! Then, the night before we left, the fire alarm went off and it was a whole ordeal that night. More on that later, but long story short everyone’s fine.

Needless to say, I was too tired to read the next day.

this photo looks cold…very much the opposite of summer. i don’t know why i chose it.

Item 4: Attend camp


Yup! I had a great time.

Item 5: Make videos


I made…a video. It was the intro to my sitcom.

Item 6: Write in my novel


Nope, nada.

Item 7: Write for 24 hours


Didn’t even try….

Item 8: Write a new short story


Are we surprised at this point?

Untitled design (1)

Item 9: Camp Happy Heart


I think this was a huge success! I didn’t miss a single day.

Item 10: More Saturday posts


Sure. I’m kinda giving myself this because I’m not doing too great on all the other stuff. But anyway, I posted on 5/13 Saturdays.

Item 11: Sitcom


I wrote episode one of my sitcom! It hasn’t been published yet, but it will be soon!

Item 12: Work on my photoseries’s


I didn’t do the things I said I was going to do…BUT, I did work on 2 photoseries’s! So I’m counting this as a win! (kinda)

Item 13: Drive


I went like literally two months without driving. I missed it! And I didn’t drive on the interstate at all like I said I would.

Item 14: Visit family


Yep! I saw even more family than I would’ve thought. More on that later…

Item 15: Photography


I count this as a win I think…anyway I’ll do a photography dump soon.

Item 16: Movie marathon


I wanted to…

Item 17: Go see Black Widow in theaters


Yup! It was really good. I don’t know why it didn’t come out ten years ago…

Item 18: Watch TV shows


Other than a couple shows I watched with my family, I watched one episode of a TV show. WOW! GREAT JOB DIAMOND!

Item 19: Dog scrapbook


Grandma and I didn’t make a dog sccrapbook, BUT we did make a scrapbook!

Item 20: Make a Tshirt with Silhouette


I did! It’s kinda like blog merch and I love it.

Item 21: Home reno


We did do some of the things I mentioned, but not a ton. We’ve got more to do, and I’ll probably make a post about it before 2022.

Item 22: Music


I do feel like I’ve found some new songs. I haven’t refined my playlists or written an album review yet, but I’m still counting it.


Item 23: Swim


I swam a good amount. There were also a lot of days that I couldn’t, but still.

Item 24: Make a friend


I mean, I guess I got closer with friends. But I was also gone for two months…so yeah. I did get closer to my grandma though!

I completed about 13.5/24 things. So, a little more than half! I did have a pretty good Summer I guess.

I should have a photography dump coming up in a week or two.

I hope this wasn’t too boring for you all! I felt kinda sick while writing it…

Anyway, what’d you think of this bucket list? How’d you do on yours if you had one? Tell me your favorite thing you did this summer.

(I’m going to try something new tomorrow! I hope you guys like it.)

24 thoughts on “Summer Bucket List Revisited

  1. I love all the “half checks”. XD *gasps loudly* YOU HAVEN’T BEEN TO THE BEACH???? Seriously, girl? *pulls Diamond aside* Okay, I think I specialize in this type of stuff so you came to the right person. (Not really) First, you want to make sure you wear a swimsuit that you are okay with getting sand in. Like literally, getting sand stuck INSIDE the fabric. Next, always bring a change of clothes. (Because sitting in your swimsuit on the car ride back to wherever you are staying is not fun.) Finally, while you are there, try to find a sand dollar!! That has been my favorite thing since I was a kid, so you better find one to show off to all of us. I’m counting on you! *gives Diamond a huge bag of beach stuff* *pats her shoulder and sends her on her way* Have fun, buddy!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. LOL
      Okay, so I technically have, but I was like 3…
      Ahh perfect! A specialist!
      Oh wow! Good thing I just ordered a bunch of swimsuits… ;D
      Oooh, a change of clothes is a good idea! I’ll have to bring extra clothes. 🙂
      Okay, I’d better find one then! I’ll share a lot of the trip on here I’m sure.
      Thank you so much! This was really helpful!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ooh, I enjoyed this post… It wasn’t boring at all… I have never made a bucket list before… so this was interesting to read!
    Write for 24 hours… WELP… I start procrastinating after 15 minutes, mate…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I know this is late but my beach tips are: YOU CAN NEVER PACK ENOUGH! That is not an understatement! Unless you live 10 min from the beach or less, (I live 1 1/2 hours) You gotta make sure you pack everything you need! (including but not limited to: 5 unread chapter books or more.) Make a list check it twice, and pack a few days before so that you do not forget anything. I hate to be at the beach and then: Oops…I forgot my towel. (actually happened to me….😅) It is actually extremally hard to remember.
    Great job on your goals!! That pic does look super cold😂
    I’m so happy you got to spend time with your Grandma! My grandma is one of my best friends. We are a little 2-person agatha christie book club right now, I read a book, give it to her, she reads it and then we discuss.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh thank you!
      xD I’m pretty sure I did take about 5 books to the beach. AND AND…I went book shopping there…heh.
      Oop. Forgetting things is ROUGH.
      Yesss, I’d say my grandma is one of my best friends too! That’s so cool that you and your grandma read together!

      Liked by 1 person

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