do you really wanna know where I was april 29th? ~ April Recap

Hello friends!

It’s May! Which means it’s almost summer! I’m excited to be done with school, but I’m also hoping to have a productive summer. But before we get into summery stuff, let’s reflect upon the month of April.

Most of April looked like school, school, and more school. I didn’t bother documenting that for y’all…

I went strawberry picking with a family friend. It was pretty nice, and the strawberries were delicious!

Sabrina Carpenter performed at Coachella and it was amazing! I totally took this photo from Coachella, and not a livestream on YouTube too, btw…


also, her new song “Espresso” has been ON REPEAT. I would honestly be a bit surprised at this point if it wasn’t my top song on Spotify wrapped this year, just with how much I’ve already played it.

I got some donuts at school.

The Tortured Poets Department released! I was in the top 10% of listeners, even though I listened to it the moment it dropped. *shrugs* It’s a great album, but I’ve already talked about it in an earlier post, and I have a review coming, so I won’t go into too much detail.

My dogs are perfect, but everyone already knew that…

Reviewing April’s Goals

  • Survive school

I’m currently alive, aren’t I? Or perhaps I’m writing to you from beyond the grave?

  • Finish DoR

Unfortunately, I fell off the writing wagon this month. Maybe May will be my month?

  • Get passport

haha, nope.

  • Start writing THP

I actually brainstormed it a bit! I haven’t officially started writing it yet though.

Goals for May

  • Recover from school
  • Return to writing
  • Cultivate an inspiring workspace


I finally made some progress in my Disney series! I also really liked doing my CD and Vinyl collection (even if I have more now…xD, I’ll have to do an update in a few months or a year or so…). Also, TTPD came out! I didn’t quite quite have my thoughts gathered enough for a review, but I’ll probably get one up within a month or so.


I love the posts I made this month! I finished up Oswald’s Disney series, and then I also posted a TTPD listening party that I worked pretty hard on. I also like the BABAD that I posted. I didn’t post much, but I’m still pretty happy with what I did.

I’m honestly a tiny bit disappointed in myself because I read a lot less than I normally do…but I guess I was just busy with school and stuff. Oh well.

  1. Emily Wilde’s Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett {3/5 Stars}
  2. Betting on You by Lynn Painter {4.5/5 stars}
  3. The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame {3.5/5 stars}
  4. The Otherworld by Abbie Emmons {3/5 stars}
  5. Rebel Spy by Veronica Rossi {3/5 stars}
  6. Betsy Was a Junior by Maud Hart Lovelace {3/5 stars}
  7. Betsy and Joe by Maud Hart Lovelace {3/5 stars}
  8. Kingdom Keepers II: Disney at Dawn by Ridley Pearson {3/5 stars}

My favorite book was Betting on You. Lynn Painter is a really good YA author!

Um, so April was not a good writing month. At all.

For May’s bullet journal theme, I used inspiration from 1989. This isn’t my favorite theme so far, but it’s cute enough.


My blue markers were also all running out, so that didn’t do the theme any favors.

I used a lyric from “Clean” and just did a cute blue title page.


I liked how my set up was last month, so I mostly copied it.


Again, this is very similar to last month’s spreads. I did seagulls for the mood tracker this month.


Finally, I have my reading and my on-repeat section. I’m guessing there will be a lot of Taylor on my on-repeat this month…

And that’s my month! Is there anything you’re looking forward to in May?

9 thoughts on “do you really wanna know where I was april 29th? ~ April Recap

  1. ahh espresso is such a GREAT SONG!!! its got all the summer vibes💫

    ttpd.. well I’d say its a pretty good album, but not one of my favorites. i HAVE had it on repeat though, and i love a couple songs from it (the alchemy & guilty as sin)

    your bullet journal spread looks awssome!! as usual. the blue theme especially.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Isn’t it? I’m obsessed with it.

      That’s fair…I can’t wait to share my thoughts more in depth in my review post. :). It isn’t my favorite album, but I still really like it.


      Liked by 1 person

  2. Heyyyy Diamond! I love this post! The Tortured Poets Department is a really good album. My favorite songs are Guilty As Sin? and Clara Bow. Have you listened to the entire album?

    Yesssss I love Sabrina Carpenter! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes we are all in agreement that your dogs are perfect but we like the pictures to prove it anyways. 😉

    Also, I know I say this all the time, but eight books is still REALLY REALLY good. April was such a slow reading month for me as well, but by that I mean, I only read like three or four. I would actually be quite pleased if I read eight books. XD And your bullet journal spreads are SO CUTE! I hope May has been a relaxing and restful month for you! You deserve the break.❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 🙂 that’s perfect then…

      Thanks! See, the thing is if literally anyone else read 8 books I would be pretty impressed, I just know I can read more? and I usually do. Even 3-4 books is pretty good. And thanks! I’ve been enjoying making them each month. Thank you, Issabelle!

      Liked by 1 person

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