A Congleramation of Recent Purchases & Reviews

Hello everyone! I recently saw a few clothing hauls and reviews…(Emmie and Evin both did one, probably some more people)

Anyway, I really liked that idea! Plus, there are some things I promised a review of. I won’t be going fully into depth, but I would like to give a mini-review so to speak. This will be things I’ve bought since November, and I’m even going to be talking about something I got for Christmas! But enough talking! I’ve put off writing this post long enough, and I need to just get into the stuff.

Heads up, I’ll be linking to these products. I don’t have any affiliate links or anything(I wish!), so I don’t get anything if you buy these things. I’m just listing it here for your convenience if you’re interested.


First up is this pair of sunglasses from Kohls! It’s been a few years since I bought a new pair of sunglasses, and since nearly all my pairs were broken, I decided to pick up a new pair. I like these well enough. They aren’t my favorite pair of sunglasses ever, but they’re nice. I like the rose gold color a lot. There’s just something about sunglasses that feels like summer.


In November, I bought this earring set. Now, my ears are not pierced. (they have been at one point, but that’s a long story) Anyway, point being that I can’t wear real earrings. It’s really hard to find decent clip-on earrings. Most of them either look fake, are expensive, or I just don’t like them. I also find that a lot of them to be uncomfortable. Anyway, one day I just wanted to look for some earrings that would work for me. I found this set on Amazon, and I was very pleased! These look like real earrings, and best yet, less than $15 for 9 pairs. My favorite two pairs are the butterflies and triangular ones. If you don’t have your ears pierced and like earrings, I highly recommend these.


Some nail wraps! Now, here’s another weird fact about me, nail polish never lasts longer than a day. Even when I got a professional manicure, it chipped within 3 days. I normally do fake nails, but that’s kind of a hassle. Plus, sometimes the fake nails fall off and I have to try to reglue them. Anyway, I wanted to try something new. Nail wraps seemed like a middle ground, so I wanted to give them a shot. I haven’t used these particular set yet, but they seem pretty good for the price.


Here are the ones I’ve used. I got them from Wal-Mart, and they were probably a little bit more expensive than I would’ve liked. But I don’t regret buying them. Anyway, I put them on Tuesday night, and currently it’s Sunday night. They’ve barely chipped at all. I’m definitely a fan.

Also, why are these classified as red? You see what color they are in the photo, yes? Isn’t that more of a mauve? It’s NOT red.


You may remember this from my Christmas Haul. Someone requested a review of it, and I don’t remember who. I’m too lazy to check who, but you know who you are. Probably. It has been a while….

Anyway, I like this bag a lot! It’s made from some sort of leather. It’s pretty durable, and I love the design. I worried for a while that it would get dirty quickly because of its light color, but so far so good. Possibly because I hardly go anywhere. I like the size of this bag a lot. It’s pretty small on my back, but I can easily fit a book, wallet, my camera, phone, and a notebook in there.

Also, I’m kinda dumb because I literally just realized this bag had an interior pocket when I got the link for y’all. Moving on…


My chromebook!

I am definitely not qualified to review a laptop. I’ll do my best though.

I really like this because it’s exactly what I wanted. I really wanted a touchscreen computer that had a detachable keyboard. I also wanted something that wouldn’t take forever to load like my last laptop. This delivers! It’s really small, so I could almost fit it into that bag I was just talking about! It converts to a tablet, I can get on the internet pretty quickly, and I can do some digital art. Also, it’s battery life is really nice. I can even edit photos on it! My main complaint is that there aren’t any ports outside of the charging port. Which means I have to upload photos via bluetooth, which drains my camera battery…(THAT REMINDS ME, I need to charge my camera battery to work on camp tomorrow!)

All that is to say, this isn’t a powehouse computer. But for someone who mainly likes art and blogging, it’s great!


I got a new bathing suit! So, previously I had my mom’s old bathing suit and one other that I bought for myself. Bathing suits are very hit or miss to me. If you’re a woman/girl,(which, I’m assuming pretty much everyone on my blog is,) you probably know how bathing suits are. Um, yeah. I feel very self-consicious in my two bathing suits that I have. One of them is so bad that I never ever wear it. The other one is fine, but I still don’t like wearing it without a T-shirt over it. When I went to camp, we did a lot of water activities. So, one morning we went white water rafting and I needed my bathing suit. And, since we’d just went tubing the previous day, my bathing suit was still wet. I had to wear a wet bathing suit all morning! It wasn’t fun. So, I set out to look for another bathing suit. I set my heart on this one from Amazon.

I liked the way it looked, and $30 did seem like a good price. But buying something like a bathing suit online still made me nervous. I was so worried that it wouldn’t fit, or that it wouldn’t cover what it needed to cover.

Then it arrived. Oh my goodness guys, this bathing suit is awesome! I haven’t been swimming in it yet, so my feelings may change. However, when I tried it on, I realized how modest it was! To be honest, I could probably get away with wearing it to the grocery store. I doubt anyone would know it was a swimsuit. It kinda looks like just a running outfit. So, I feel good about this one.


So, my mom and I were at Kohls, and I saw these. I’m not really big on wearing shorts, but I couldn’t pass these up! Not when they’re so comfy. And I mean, STITCH!


Before I went to camp, I wanted to get a new sweatshirt. A lot of my sweatshirts are thick, and I wanted something I could wear in the summer. So, I went to probably 20 different stores searching high and low for a sweatshirt that fit my standards. I finally settled on this one from Belk. Mostly because of the price. Anyway, I like this. It’s very comfy.


Before the summer, I decided that I wanted a few oversized tees. I looked a lot, even ordered a few things that didn’t work. But when I found these at Old Navy, I knew I had to get them! I really like the style and fit of these. I also like having some shirts that aren’t Disney/Marvel.

Cactus Tee

Dream Land Tee


Here are the T-shirts I got from Kohls! I swear I didn’t mean to buy so many shirts. Just a couple, I swear. I also didn’t mean to show you all the clothes I’ve bought this year, but I suppose I have…

I like both of these shirts. They’re soft.

Mountain Tee

Aloha Tee


More T-shirts! I got these two off Amazon and these two I liked enough to keep. The first one says “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list” and it kinda has a galaxy color palatte. It definitely called to me. I will say that um, I ordered a couple sizes up and it is HUGE! I probably wouldn’t have ordered so big if I’d known, but whatever. I like it still. One thing that’s a little annoying is that the design takes up the ENTIRE shirt.

The second one I got is just tie-dyed. It has a very summery vibe to it. I might or might not customize it.


Final batch of shirts! I bought these all at Hobby Lobby to customize. I still need ideas for the maroon one(that’s my favorite color to wear!), but I think I might try to make some sort of BABF merch. Any ideas?


Anyway, I’ve already finished the black one! I made it Coco themed, so it says “remember me”. I’m not sure if I like it or not.


I also embroidered these little flower things. I really like the colors.


Switching topics, let’s talk about books! I recently bought the Shadow and Bone trilogy. I mostly got these because of the hype around the Netflix show, but to be fair, I was really excited to read these! I’m a good way through the first book and I’m really enjoying it! It’s filled with tropes, but I don’t really think that’s a bad thing. I’ll never be a huge fan of the chosen one trope, but whatever. It’s enjoyable enough. I definitely look forward to reading more of this series. And, this is one of the few books I’ve read lately that’s been more interesting than my phone.

Also, speaking of books, I’m alpha/beta reading 4 books. I’m not sure how this happened, but I guess I’m just lucky to have creative friends. They’re all incredible(well, I haven’t got to read one of them yet…) and I really hope they get published! Y’all need to read these books! (I’m being purposefully vague…)

Woo, that ended up being longer than expected. But, that was a lot of fun! I hope you were entertained.

If you decided to buy any of these things, let me know! If you have any ideas on how to customize my T-shirts, let me know. Also, let me know what you think of my Coco shirt. Finally, read any good books lately?

22 thoughts on “A Congleramation of Recent Purchases & Reviews

  1. I LOVE THESE ALL THEY ARE JUST SOOOO CUTE!!!!! Why does everyone else have to have such cute clothes!! 😩😂
    I love those nail wraps! Me and my sister did those for Halloween and Thanksgiving this last year!
    WOW YOU GOT A CHROMEBOOK??!? Wait, you already said that before, didn’t you? 😂 Guess I’m so good at remembering things XD.
    Aah yes my sister had that same swimsuit! It’s just the cutest, isn’t it!!

    Liked by 1 person

      *shrugs* It did take an agonizingly long time for me to find them.
      That’s fun! I’m really enjoying them so far.
      I did mention it earlier! But I didn’t say too much about it, so I wouldn’t expect you to remember.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love all of the shirts!! They are so cute!
    The swimsuit looks like a decent suit, and yes!! Suits are so hard to find these days (well, at least ones that I’m comfortable in). lol.
    This was fun to read!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. loved getting to read all the fun mini-reviews! loved all of the cute and oversized t-shirts you got! oh my goodness it can be so hard to find a good bathing suit to feel confident in! so glad to hear you found one that you loved!! 😀
    if u ever want any bathing suit recommendations i get all of my bathing suits from limerikki.com and i highly recommend them! super high quality and always feel confident in them! 😀
    -kaelyn 😛

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The flowers your embroidered are so pretty and colourful! Ooh, nice shirts🤪🙌 this was a great review! Those nail wraps look so much like actual nail polish, I don’t like wearing nail polish either~
    It either stays on for too long and doesn’t come off, or it won’t stay at all🥲

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh, that Coco shirt is so cute!!! I love how you wrote “remember me”. Such a beautiful song when sung right. *tears away*
    I love Shadow and Bone Trilogy (I technically have a complicated history with it but I won’t go into details now XD). I desperately want to watch the TV show but no Netflix. *is sad*

    Liked by 1 person

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